Dear Baldric,
I find it scandalous that British journalists are swanning around Caribbean islands under the pretext of conducting investigations into British police officers allegedly swanning around Caribbean islands when there is more than enough muck needing raking back in the UK.
Why should UK readers have to put up with delays in back-biting and sniping about the latest fashion faux pas of a minor celebrity? Why should the readership have to forego grainy close-ups of cellulite on the thighs of rich and famous women. And who is going to write those essential stories that make the gaps between tea breaks bearable, like the reports of labrador dogs looking after orphaned ducklings and vice versa?
We all know they are just lounging around in hammocks, which is blatant duplication of effort since the FCO already supply Brits to do that.
Please use you best efforts to shame those journalists into getting back to where they are most needed NOW!
Your incandescently,
Rudi Beckia
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