Finally got rid of the last blow-up doll and closed a chapter on a business wonder scheme that looked like it would never fly.
All down to another Rapture forecast. Thanks guys!
Pranksters bought up the stock, filled them with helium and set them loose after I marketed them as 'I-cant-believe-it's-not-apocalypse' party ware.
The dolls were quite realistic, that was one of the design features but also their Achilles' heel. I think the real problem was the way they talked, not so much the speech sound (although I don't think I'd use Mrs B doing a Phyliss Diller impersonation again for the voice) but the phrases used.
Based on my history of marital bliss with Mrs B I went for phrases I thought would provided the most realistic and immersive experience of erotic congress.
For example:
"What time do you call this"
"Not now: I have a headache"
"Mother was right, you are a beast"
"Not unless I get a new pair of shoes"
"At least take your hat off"
and hysterical laughter.
The dolls may now serve a more noble purpose, floating around in the stratosphere, reflecting sunlight and helping to hold down global warming. They are very durable and it would take years before they would go down on you. [Insert your own joke about Mrs B here]