Friday, 19 February 2010

Headless Chuckie

An ex MLA, former Minister of Who Cares and one of Cayman's several surviving brain donor's, Charles (Chuckie) Clifford has decided enough is enough wit Mac.

While he was at the Legislative Assembly trough Chuckie displayed some talent in base political skills, he could lie, equivocate, dissimulate and grandstand but overall he was out of his political depth.

Backgound for those who need it:
Just before resigning as Minister of Tourism Chuckie, was a high minded whistleblower, ratted Mac out over a financing deal Mac swung re that popular and profitable tourist trap Boatswains Beach. Then got himself elected on the 'Anyone but Mac' ticket in the 2005 election 

Chuckie seemed to mistake Mac's fall from favour in 2005 as a positive vote for himself, a misunderstanding Bodden Town voters corrected for him in the 2009 election.
Safe in the knowledge that Mac is off island Chuckie has begun a re-run of the old themes, the main one being Mac is giving away Caymanian birthrights with his relaxation of immigration control on the finance sector.

Mr Clifford claimed that the United Democratic Party (UDP) government recently implemented a policy by means of the Immigration (Financial Services Sector) Directions 2010 to the Immigration Board to grant key employee status to a large number of employees, which he estimated to be 9,000 persons, plus their dependents, who are currently working in a wide range of positions in the financial services industry. According to Mr Clifford, the total estimated addition to the population of residents with Caymanian status would be 27,000 as a result. ”
Now I know the PPM aren't supposed to be very good with figures, hence the financial crisis, so I refer Mr Clifford to this document - - an official publication of the ESO.

To save you valuable hammock time , dear reader, here is the key part..

See the problem with Chuckie's 9,000 figure - wrong ballpark - there's no evidence, except perchance evidence of prejudice for that 9,000.

Chuckie says that ain't so
Recognising that most modern democratic nations have had to rely on immigration and expatriate labour to build their economies, Mr Clifford does not denigrate expatriate labour or skill, attributing the “miracle” of the Cayman Islands’ economic growth to them.
Chuckie may not "denigrate" expat labour but he sure as hell would rather it knew its place compared to the chosen ones and he's not above a little rabble rousing to make it so.

Best thing you could do here Chuckie is
a) get your facts straight before you stir up unrest and
b) send a Get Well Soon card to each of the two expats lying in hospital with machete wounds who were "denigrated" in separate incidents.

Cayman needs a better thought out and more comprehensive plan for these hard times than one for re-electing Chuckie - wearing Ezzards stolen clothes this time instead of Mac's.

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