Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Seals washed up in Cayman

Sorry that heading contains typos - it should read "Seales washed up in Cayman?".

The travails of CNN Publisher of no fixed abode, Desmond Seales, continue as the authorities move him along from one spot to another as if he were a common vagrant.

There does seem to be a coordinated effort to reduce Desmond's publishing activities to hawking a single-page xeroxed newsletter on street corners - like the mendacious mendicant (look them up) some say he always was.

Desmond is nothing if not a survivor but his enemies are gathering.

This time around there may be no circus owner wanting to splash out on a performing Seales to bark, clap his fins noisily and spellbind an audience by juggling anything his  latest ringmaster throws to him.

Too many troubles coming at once this time perhaps - even Desmond can only keep so many balls in the air at once.


  1. Baldric,
    If Net News fails where do I send my bogus letters in future?

  2. Stick 'em in empty Scotch bottles and drop 'em in the sea.

    If you like you can send me the bottles first for professional emptying.
