Friday, 18 September 2009

Going Backwards

Like many long suspected, Operation Tempura turned out to be a total con. The smart people on (and me) figured it all out in fine detail months and months ago and saw the recent Lyndon Martin trial confirm our beliefs. Tempura was worse than a waste of  money because nothing has improved and much has been damaged.

It takes a big man to admit he was wrong ... so the Governor doesn't.

I read a comment elsewhere that, for the last few two decades, each successive Governor of the Cayman Islands has been worse than the last - and I have to agree. Each has brought their lifetime of inexperience and imposed it on Cayman. They do what they know - but they don't seem to know what they do and impede the proper development of Cayman.

Anyone could perform at these standards if that is all that's required - even I could do this stuff and I'm a Chartered Idiot.

Let's hope the new Governor represents an evolutionary advance not a throwback - enough is going backwards already.

... and before you ask Madam, third man in from the right - that's a Glock in his hand.

1 comment:

  1. " --- and I'm a Chartered Idiot."

    Always had my suspicions about what the letters "CI" on a car sticker meant.
