If there truly was no such thing as bad publicity we wouldn't have PR departments tagging along like pilot fish cleaning the teeth of the shark after a kill.
I see PR as a necessary evil, with very little emphasis on the word necessary, so it was sweet to see government's sub-prime PR department deal cack-handedly with an issue concerning themselves.
The Caymanian Compass submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for disclosure of how much public money is paid as remuneration to the CI Government's official pill-sweetener at the Ministry of Truth (or to use approved official titles the Chief information Officer at Government Information Services)
The GIS line is that the salary of its CIO is a private matter. Hmmm.
How do the salaries of government jobs, which have to be publicly advertised along with other key job details, become 'personal & private information' once somebody has been appointed to said job?
GIS's shroud-waving, citing, 'privacy' and 'civil service morale' as serious concerns, seems misguided at best. Why try to obscure something that should already be in the public domain? Assuming that the job was correctly advertised.
GIS is like an old mutt ready to bury everything a bit smelly that it comes across but maybe this reaction isn't classic GIS. Could there be another reason for the secrecy?
Once possibility is that actual remuneration received and the advertised salary could be two quite different figures if extra payments are made outside of government's official salary scales.
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