If he enters an organ donor program I'd like his Gall.
Word on the street is Madoff bought his accounting software at the same place the CI government bought theirs - Abacus Abe's Approximate Accounting .

I was cleaning the toilets there one time and landed a job in Accounts. Gate crashed the interviews.
I'd eavesdropped on the other candidates and each one was asked the same thing at the end of the interview,
"What is 2 + 2?".
Most answered 4, some optimists came up with 5 and some pessimists 3.
When they'd all gone me and my bucket entered the room. Very handy thang that ol' crap bucket - kept many a conversation addressed to me short and polite.
"Excuse me Sir but would you ask me that last question you asked all the other candidates?"
He eyed me up and down then shrugged, "OK. What is 2+2?"
"What would you like it to be?"
"You're hired"
And, thanks to the bucket, he didn't even need to ask if I minded getting my hands dirty...
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