Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Arresting Comments

"New governor taken to Northward Prison"

CNS Headline.

Better safe than sorry Eh?

Monday, 11 January 2010

Cruising in Grand Cayman

Another Gay cruise is due to visit Cayman soon and the Cayman Islands Ministers Association is making a bigger fuss about it than Elton John choosing which earring to wear.

That old chestnut (co-incidentally 'Old Chestnut' is the exact shade of Elton's hairpiece) "Is Homosexuality innate or learned?" is making the rounds again.

Anyhoo ... I ended up on the phone-in with the Reverend U. R. Hellbound on Radio TalkSh*t.

My question to the Rev was this, 'Is Homophobia innate or learned?'.

To which he replied, "First, let me ask you a question about these homosexuals, Would you let your daughter marry one?"

 He got me there.